October 29, 2023

Some more goe libraries…

  1. GeoDjango: GeoDjango is an extension of Django, a popular web framework for Python. It adds geospatial database support and tools for building geospatial web applications.
  2. folium: The Python module Folium facilitates the creation of interactive Leaflet maps. It is especially helpful for viewing geospatial data and for building online maps with personalized layers, popups, and markers.
  3. Shapely: Shapely is a geometric operations library that may be used on geometric objects. For the creation, manipulation, and analysis of geometric shapes, it is frequently used in conjunction with other geospatial libraries.
  4. geopandas: An open-source Python package called GeoPandas expands Pandas’ functionality for handling geographic data. It enables us to make maps and plots, engage with geospatial datasets, and carry out geospatial activities.

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